With that in mind, I have found a group out there that is truly amazing and touches so many lives in so many ways that it is hard to put into words. In the short time I have been affiliated with this group, it has touched my heart every day! That group is I Run 4 (IR4).
"After an inspiration from a close friend who was battling bilateral hip dysplasia - Founder Tim Boyle found a whole new inspiration to run." The I Run 4 website (http://www.whoirun4.com) and its companion, the I Run For Michael Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/irunformichael) exist to match runners with an honorary runner (a child or adult with special needs), who they dedicate their workouts to. Yes, don't be put off by the word, "run" in the title. This group is open to anyone participating in any activity. I see lots of people doing any number of activities from snow-shoeing to Crossfit to simply walking, dedicating their workouts to the person they are "running" for!
As the site says, "The mental and emotional encouragement for both runner and honorary runner is proving to be a whole new level of motivation and awareness. Runners are able to find a whole new sense of purpose in their running while sharing who they are running for and bringing awareness to diseases and disabilities of all types."
So, how do you provide this encouragement? Per the site, "Make your honorary runner feel special - they LOVE seeing messages, but they LOVE, LOVE seeing photos too!! Want some ideas?? Here are a few:"
- Upload your photos and message, dedicating your workout to your honorary runner, to your personal Facebook page.
- Upload your photos and message, dedicating your workout to your honorary runner, to the I Run For Michael Facebook page.
- Tag IR4 on Facebook or Twitter (@whodoUrun4) and Instagram using hashtag #IR4.
Other recommendations for encouragement are:
- Write your honorary runners name on your arm for a race.
- Make a special shirt to wear, with their name and IR4 on it.
- Make signs to hold up in pics before/after runs and races.
- Ask their parents something special they like and hold it up in pics. Do they like Barbies? Find a Barbie pin to wear to races and keep a list of every race that pin has run in!
- With permission from the parents, ask if you can send race medals or other race swag to them so they can have mementos!
Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the matching process takes time. A lot of time. Right now, I think it takes about 9 - 10 weeks to be matched. About a week after signing up, the official list was released and I was number 2,033 on the match list! However, in one recent weekend, I seem to recall around 90 matches being made. And it appears that the staff are busy making matches nearly every day! So, please don't think the process is being held up for no good reason. If you think about the amount of work to take in the information of those needing a match and looking for a match and then getting those people together, you can understand the reason it takes awhile.
One of the great things about this group is that you don't have to sit idly by while waiting for your match. There are a lot of people that haven't been matched and those needing prayer that can benefit from your efforts on their behalf. In fact, you are encouraged to begin posting, to get into the habit, for the unmatched and those needing prayer while you wait for your match!
So, if you're looking for a whole new world of inspiration for your workouts and the opportunity to be an even bigger inspiration for someone else... please consider visiting the I Run 4 website: http://www.whoirun4.com!
Well said Ron and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that several of us in Tallahassee are participating in this!!!!