In February, I wrote about the amazing I Run 4 program. The I Run 4 website ( and its companion, the I Run For Michael Facebook group ( exist to match runners with an honorary runner (a child or adult with special needs), who they dedicate their workouts to. Don't be put off by the word, "run" in the title. This group is open to anyone participating in any activity. I see lots of people doing any number of activities from snow-shoeing to Crossfit to simply walking, dedicating their workouts to the person they are "running" for! You can read more about that amazing program here: !
After signing up for a "buddy" on January 15, 2014, I patiently waited and watched my number slowly drop from the low 2000's to the teens. Three months and 25 days later, on the eve of my Gulf Coast Triathlon (70.3) triathlon, I received my match! As if getting ready for a big race wasn't enough excitement, I now had a buddy to help motivate me even more and to dedicate my workouts/miles to!
My buddy, Toby, is 24 years old. Toby has Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, and a handful of other challenging diagnoses. Even with these challenges, Toby stays active with the Special Olympics, competing in Track & Field events and Swimming. Just last weekend, Toby competed in the Special Olympics Area Games and will be going to the State Games next weekend!
One of the things that struck me as fate when I was first being introduced to Toby, by his amazing mother, Wendy, was that they live in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho! I hadn't heard of Coeur d'Alene ever before 14 teammates from my triathlon training team, TriAttic (, signed up for IRONMAN Coeur d'Alene, to be held in late June, 2014! What are the odds?! The bike course even goes right by Toby's neighborhood and they like to go out and cheer for the athletes!
So, as I dedicate my daily workouts to Toby, find strength in what he does every day, and get to know him better, I just want to share this amazing program with you. So, whether you're looking for someone to provide inspiration to, derive inspiration from, or if you know someone with special needs who might benefit from having someone run for them, please visit the I Run 4 site ( and sign up?!
Toby, "Isn't it great?!"
What a lovely introduction for Toby! He is so delighted to be matched up to you, Ron. When your posting about the Special Olympics area games went up, we were blown away by over 890 postings of support! Toby draws inspiration from you as well. Perhaps next year we'll see you here at Ironman 2015!